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Link for the Submission


  • 5-7 minutes presentation (Link: Techno pitch deck format )
  • Presentations can include product demonstrations, posters, prototypes, videos, and other visual aids
  • Participants will be demonstrating their products prototype on all three days

General Guidelines

  • The registration fee is per person, not per team.
  • The registration fees cover the expenses for tea/coffee, snacks & lunch.
  • Accommodation is not included in the registration fees. For accommodation arrangements, please refer to the details on the conference website.


  • First PrizeACIC-KIF’s Community Innovator Fellowship Funding 2 lakhs.
  • Second PrizeFree Startup Registration, Patent filing & minimum seed money.
  • Third PrizeGift Vouchers (SEM, XRD, FTIR & UV sample Analysis (Limited Samples) / ACIC Lab facility utilization).