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Oral Presentation Guidelines

Guidelines for offline

  • Please arrive in your room well before the start of the session.
  • Presentations must last no more than a maximum of 8 minutes and 2 minutes for questions.
  • Sessions chairs will keep strict time and will terminate any presentation that goes beyond the allowed time. This is essential, in order to keep parallel sessions synchronised so that delegates may move between sessions.
  • Presenters must use the computer provided by the conference centre: it is not possibleto present from a personal computer. Your presentation slide should be uploaded before the start of the session.
  • Presentations should ideally be in PowerPoint format but PDF will also be accepted.
  • Presenters should not rely on internet access during their presentation, so we strongly recommend to embed all fonts and media within the presentation file, to not use Google Slides and should not rely on online materials, media, web pages, live demos, etc.
  • We suggest using standard fonts not smaller than 20 pts due to the size of the meeting room and legibility of the slides.
  • There will be a room manager and/or volunteer assigned to each room to assist speakers, so if you have any difficulties during your presentation, please let them know and they will be happy to help.

Guidelines for online

  • Online oral presentation will be conducted through google meet.
  • Presenter must be available well before the start of the session.
  • Presentations must last no more than a maximum of 8 minutes and 2 minutes for questions.
  • Sessions chairs will keep strict time and will terminate any presentation that goes beyond the allowed time. This is essential, in order to keep parallel sessions synchronised so that delegates may move between sessions.
  • Presenters must use the Laptop/computer for their presentation. Do not use mobile phone for the presentation. Your presentation slide should be uploaded before the start of the session in the drive link shared with you.
  • Presentations should ideally be in PowerPoint format but PDF will also be accepted.
  • Presenter must have good internet connectivity during the presentation. They must make sure it.
  • We suggest using standard fonts not smaller than 20 pts due to the size of the meeting room and legibility of the slides.
  • If you have any difficulties during your presentation, contact the incharges and they will be happy to help.

Poster Presentation Guidelines

  • Poster displays will be limited to one side of a 4 foot by 8 foot tack board. The recommended poster size is 3 feet by 6.5 feet (36 inches by 78 inches).
  • The poster board number assigned to the poster must be placed in the upper left-hand corner of the display.
  • Be sure to include the abstract title, author and coauthor names, and the institution(s) where research is underway.
  • Your poster may contain the following headings, Introduction, Methods, Results, Conclusions, References, Acknowledgement of funding source if applicable
  • It is recommended that you hand-carry your poster to the conference, using tubular packaging.
  • Stationary items will be provided to mount your poster.
  • Refer to your acceptance letter and/or the final conference program for the time and location of your poster session and set-up time.
  • The designated poster presenter (author or coauthor) must be present at the assigned space during the designated time to discuss the work presented.